• Life Story: Idea #14

    Let me tell you a story about a boy and his life. He was born in a home where the spoken language was different from the language of the community. His family was not that well off, with “hand me downs” a normal occurrence. He missed out on higher education as his work income was needed to help support the family, and his work experience was primarily manual labor. He kept trying to excel in whatever role he found himself in, and in later years he enjoyed an international role in a global company, working with great people, and was recognized as a successful leader. If I can be successful from a start like this, so can you – from wherever you’re starting!

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience! If you have a story to share with me you can contact me on: My Feedback Email

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  • Distractions: Idea #13

    ‘Life presents an endless series of interruptions and distractions. You will continually be pulled off course or asked to put out a fire created by someone else. People will disrespect your time and steal your attention—usually with no intention of malice, but simply because different people have different priorities. When your day is interrupted or your progress stalls, it’s easy for your mindset to collapse as well. You may feel guilty for not following through on what you intended to do. But you are not guilty, you are human. Everyone gets distracted. In many ways, the real divide is between those who get back on track quickly and those who let interruptions expand into longer periods of inactivity. Top performers get back on track faster than most. This is the skill to develop. You will be interrupted, but you can choose to keep it brief.’ (J.Clear)

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience! If you have a story to share with me you can contact me on: My Feedback Email

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  • Proactive: Idea #12

    ‘Be Proactive.’ (S.R.Covey) This is more than just leading out, taking the initiative. This means taking responsibility for our lives, both personal and professional. We get to shape ourselves because of our decisions, not the conditions that we find ourselves in. We are responsible for making things happen, the ability to choose how to respond to our environment and the events coming our way.

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience! If you have a story to share with me you can contact me on: My Feedback Email

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