• Partners: Idea #428

    We all like positive outcomes, so did you know that ‘The best way to maximize positive outcomes is to partner with others. Improvement is limited without partnership. Sharing influence and networking with others opens a whole new world to everyone involved. One is too small of a number to achieve greatness, it takes a partnership.’ (J.Maxwell) We can do it alone, we all need others to help us. Who will you partner with today to help you grow and develop in your professional life?

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  • Trying: Idea #427

    Do you believe it’s possible for you to achieve great things in life? I hope you do, so ‘Keep trying. Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.’ (D.Carnegie) Do you have that determination, that perseverance that is needed to make a difference? Maybe you think you don’t have enough time, however, ‘You will always have the time for the things you choose to put first in your life.’ (B.Turnbull) Are your great ideas a priority for you?

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience!

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  • Delay: Idea #426

    If you’re anything like me, for all those hard actions I need to take for development, it’s so easy to delay until “tomorrow”. ‘Procrastinators like to put things off and delay their decisions, but there is no success without action. The only time you have is now. We overestimate what we can do tomorrow, and we underestimate what we can do today. Today is NOW – don’t procrastinate!’ (J.Maxwell) Will you join me in committing to not putting off those changes that will help us grow as individuals?

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience!

    To receive this in your email every week-day, subscribe below.

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