Tag: energy

  • Time: Idea #409

    Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough time? ‘I have learned that whenever I think “I don’t have enough time to do that” what I usually mean is “I don’t have enough energy” or “I am not actually interested in doing this”. What I need to do a better job of is not…

  • Self-awareness: Idea #355

    Sometimes we may wonder “What do I need to work on to grow”? I have found that I need to set aside time to reflect and think about who I am. ‘Self-awareness is knowing your strengths and your weaknesses. It’s knowing what energizes you and what drains you. It’s knowing how you lead when you’re…

  • Energy: Idea #351

    Do you enjoy being around people that are always complaining? I don’t, it’s draining. ‘Energetic people are life-giving. We need to bring authentic energy with us in all we do. When met with a new task or challenge, if you don’t make excuses, your energy will carry you through. Bring energy to your interactions today.’…