Tag: listen

  • Dysfunction: Idea #408

    Here’s some food for thought: ‘Everyone has some dysfunction in their life. When you allow another person to walk into your life and help you become aware of a dysfunction, it helps you overcome it. Others can show us our dysfunction – our blind spots. We need to be open to learn, listen, and understand…

  • Believe: Idea #397

    Have you ever thought that opportunities are passing you by? ‘Opportunity is always knocking. The problem is that most people have the self-doubt station in their head turned up way too loud to hear it.’ (B.Vaszily) We need to turn down the self-doubt and be confident in what we can do. ‘No one is ready…

  • Intuition: Idea #391

    ‘All of us have intuition, but not all of us follow it. When you don’t follow your intuition, you may end up doubting yourself. To tap into your intuition, you must listen, not just noticing, but following what your senses are telling you. Because it is divine intelligence, and not always logical, intuition is easy…