Tag: character

  • Unseen: Idea #373

    Do you feel as insecure as I do at times? When I look around at the success of others, sometimes it’s easy to feel like a failure. ‘The reason why we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.’ (S.Furtick) That’s the problem, I can see all…

  • Honest: Idea #361

    A question I know I need to keep asking myself regularly is: Am I an honest person? ‘We all want to have honest relationships and be around people who are honest. Honest people are truthful, what they say is reflected in what they do. They have a sense of character and authenticity. Everyone has good…

  • Helping: Idea #309

    ‘Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are. (H.S.Kushner) ‘The happiest people in the world are generous. People who give are fulfilled. We were created to help one another and to share. When we act out who we are supposed to…