Tag: trust

  • Integrity: Idea #392

    Integrity: Idea #392

    If you aspire to be a leader, whether at work or elsewhere, it’s so important to remember that ‘Leaders should be authentic and have integrity. A person with integrity lives a life where their actions match their words. Integrity allows leaders to sustain good years of leading other people.’ (J.Maxwell) This is relevant in what…

  • Team: Idea #358

    Team: Idea #358

    No person is an island, we always need others, both to help us, and for us to help them. WE is much stronger and more successful than ME. ‘A team is not a group of people who work together. A team is a group of people who trust each other.’ (S.Sinek) All of us need…

  • Trusting: Idea #289

    Trusting: Idea #289

    The flip side to having trust is ‘Trusting – a very powerful leadership principle. The definition of trusting is to show confidence in someone. Three things to think about if you want to be more trusting and show confidence in the people you lead are …1. Give others clarity: Without clarity there is cruelty. Be…