Tag: experience

  • Pain: Idea #548

    Pain: Idea #548

    If there’s one law I wish I could avoid, it’s ‘the law of pain. It says that good management of bad experiences leads to great growth. In growth, there is a lot of struggle. We all experience challenges and adversity, but our pain can allow us to grow. We learn to adjust and ask for…

  • High-Road #3: Idea #491

    High-Road #3: Idea #491

    What are some additional ‘qualities of a high road leader? One of these characteristics is emotional capacity – the ability to experience adversity and still successfully make it through to the other side. You develop emotional capacity through experience. You go through hard things today so you can handle and develop the emotional capacity to…

  • Teach: Idea #443

    Teach: Idea #443

    If you ever feel stuck in knowing where to focus your learning on, know that ‘When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Leaders should work to share an experience rather than just teaching it. A really good teacher makes the student part of the lesson, instead of trying to make the lesson part of…