Tag: time

  • Dreams: Growth Idea #582

    Dreams: Growth Idea #582

    Let’s continue thinking about dreams. This is not about fairy tale ideas. This is about ideas that we grab, and build, and make it possible. ‘Dreams are never destroyed by circumstances. They are born in the heart and the mind and only there can they ever die. For while the difficult takes time, the impossible…

  • Time: Idea #536

    Time: Idea #536

    Who ever has enough time to do everything they want to do? I don’t. ‘Time management and prioritization are important to success because we all only have 24 hours each day. If you are not getting the success you want, you are doing too many things or the wrong things. What is the most important…

  • Fear: Idea #534

    Fear: Idea #534

    Have you ever let fear keep you from trying something? ‘Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.’ (E.Nightingale) In simple words, stop…