Tag: help

  • Solving #2: Idea #478

    Solving #2: Idea #478

    How often do you ask for help? ‘The second principle of problem solving is asking for help. None of us are as smart as all of us. When you ask others for help, who aren’t emotionally involved in your problem, you allow your problem to be seen objectively. This doesn’t diminish yourself in other’s eyes,…

  • Results: Idea #458

    Results: Idea #458

    Sometimes we confuse activity with results. ‘Produce results in order to be successful. Make something happen. Leaders are people who can produce results. If you can produce results for yourself, you can help someone else do the same thing. We teach what we know, but we reproduce who we are. What do you do well?…

  • Dream: Idea #433

    Dream: Idea #433

    Do you have a dream about your future? Would you like to accelerate your dream? Ask yourself, ‘Is your dream about others? This significance question is the most rewarding of all the questions. We were created to help one another and make a positive difference in people’s lives. Put your dream to the test, ask…