Tough Circumstances #1: Idea #184

How can you best handle tough circumstances? Here’s a two-part post with some ideas: ‘15 Things Mentally Strong People Do When the Going Gets Tough… 1. They detach themselves from the situation… 2. They motivate themselves… 3. They accept challenges… 4. They focus on the things they can control… 5. They persevere… 6. They quit… They may decide to quit a certain course of action if they realize that it is not worth the effort… 7. They practice self-care.’ (Reniel) From these 7 tips I can identify with #3-5, as that’s what I’ve been taught since I was young. Especially #4, we can only control “our stuff”, so let’s focus on that. I do find #6 very interesting, had never thought about approaching challenges like that, so that’s one for me to consider. Which idea resonated with you?