Progress: Idea #537

I recently spent some personal time in Indonesia, and we had opportunities to both travel on very interesting roads & do some mountain hiking. In both situations, there were times when it felt as if the way up was never ending, with bumps & turns along the way, and both our bodies & our vehicle straining to move forward to the next step or curve. And sometimes it felt like we were not making any progress at all, that the road ahead was never ending. I know that in every-day life, with the challenges that come along, sometimes we might feel the same. You may think that there’s no end in sight, there’s no reward for the effort you’re expending right now – but let me remind you – there is something better at the end. And as I looked backwards, I could see the progress I’d already made. Each step, each meter of progress was moving me in the right direction to the goal I wanted to achieve. So it is too with our daily life, if you keep taking a step forward, when you look back you’ll see how much progress you’ve already made. Don’t give up!