Category: Growth Idea

  • Joy: Growth Idea #605

    Do you know the difference between happiness and joy? I’m not sure I have a complete handle on it, but from my experience I see happiness depending on circumstances, whereas joy is related to me, who I am and how I see life. So even when things aren’t always going the way I’d like them…

  • Attitude: Growth Idea #604

    Are you “really living” today, or just existing? Going through the motions of being alive? We’ve been given the opportunity to experience life to the max, to see all the amazing things around us, starting with nature. If you feel like your life is too boring with insufficient excitement, try this: start doing something uncommon,…

  • Positive: Growth Idea #603

    Have you ever heard the expression about there being a silver lining in all the challenges we face? Have you ever missed it because you were busy looking for the gold outcome? Of course we all want the gold (the best) in life, however, that’s not a reality in my experience. Taking advantage of the…