Category: Leadership Idea
Accountable: Leadership Idea #18
Are you really a leader? Do you own the outcome you’re responsible for? Being accountable for the responsibilities you’ve been give is hard work, and it would be much easier many times to just blame others when things go wrong. And for sure, sometimes circumstances beyond our control have an impact, yet we need to…
Quitting: Leadership Idea #17
What is it that keeps you going when it’s tough? Or when you face a disappointment, failure, or huge challenge? For myself, I know I don’t want to be disappointed in myself, in knowing I didn’t give it all I had, that I settled for second-best with my efforts. I know who I am, deep…
Manager: Leadership Idea #16
As a leader you may also find yourself functioning as a manager of people. With that, I’m sure you also want your team to grow with you, else you’ll start being disappointed with them. So I have several suggestions that might help. First of all, don’t try to “manage” them, instead, lead them, support them,…