Category: Leadership Idea

  • Paradox: Leadership Idea #6

    Most of us prefer to avoid situations in which we encounter a paradox. Yet this is something we see almost every day – differing opinions with facts behind all of them. How is that possible? One thing I’ve learned in my life journey is that we all have had different pathways through life, and that…

  • Pressure: Leadership Idea #5

    I’ve talked about agility and change, now I want to talk about what distinguishes an OK leader from a great leader. As leaders, we know change has to happen, the question is “How do you handle it, or manage it?” Do you react emotionally, or are you thoughtful in how you respond? Are you focused…

  • Change: Leadership Idea #4

    If you’ve been in the workforce for any time at all you can see that change is constant. As a leader, you know that sometimes change is difficult, and many times people resist change because it takes them out of their comfort zones. What can you do as a leader to make it easier, and…