Category: Simple Idea

  • Losses: Idea #296

    ‘3 vital things that allow us to learn from our losses: setbacks, adversity, and responsibility. If we have the right mindset, a setback can be a set up. When you lose ground, you can set yourself up to not only regain that ground, but go higher. We all experience adversity, and through our adversity we…

  • Reliable: Idea #295

    How reliable are you? It’s tempting to think it’s OK to not always be on time or show up. However, ‘People who are reliable and consistent always show up. They don’t require others to follow-up with them in order to get the work done. People can count on them in a team, especially when it…

  • Risk: Idea #294

    Who doesn’t prefer winning over failing? I know I do! However, the truth is that ‘Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is a part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.’ (R.T.Kiyosaki) I know I don’t want to avoid success, but am I willing to risk…