Category: Simple Idea

  • Better: Idea #338

    How would you like a guarantee that you can be better tomorrow than what you are today? Well,  ‘Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today.’ (T.Fargo) So yes, what you decide to do today will determine your tomorrow. ‘Remember. Every day, some ordinary person does something extraordinary. Today, it’s your turn.’ (L.Holtz)…

  • BIG: Idea #337

    How would you like to “win big” today? ‘Big wins tend to be accompanied by some combination of bigger decisions, more uncertainty, and greater risk. If you want to play at a higher level, you need to be comfortable with greater swings of highs and lows: mentally, emotionally, financially. You can avoid the swings, but…

  • Mindfulness: Idea #336

    ‘Think about your thinking. Be alert and understand that your thinking is leading you somewhere. Mindfulness leads to the questions: Are your thoughts serving you well and leading you where you want to go? Should you discard certain thoughts? When you are mindful, you gain an understanding of how your thoughts help or hurt you.…