Category: Simple Idea

  • Valuable: Idea #326

    Sometimes we may be concerned about our worth, whether that’s personal or for our workplace. A tip – ‘Become invaluable by being a good teammate. Value others’ needs, and learn to serve others. Become the person that makes the people around you better. How can you serve others today and become invaluable?’ (J.Maxwell) By ensuring…

  • Approachable: Idea #325

    As you work on your self-development, do you ever feel alone? ‘Approachable people make others feel comfortable walking into their lives. Success can separate you from others, because people can be intimidated by success. Successful leaders (and people) need to make an effort to be approachable. They need to have a willingness to walk slowly…

  • Happiness: Idea #324

    Is happiness an attitude that is hard for you? How about this for an idea: ‘Often people ask how I manage to be happy despite having no arms and no legs. The quick answer is that I have a choice. I can be angry about not having limbs, or I can be thankful that I…