Category: Simple Idea
Urgency: Idea #310
Does a sense of urgency stress you out? It’s important to understand that ‘Urgency is filled with passion, expression, and direction. The feeling of urgency we get when we realize the importance of our mission is one of the greatest motivators of success. Urgency leads us to prioritize quickly, and cross the finish line.’ (J.Maxwell)…
Helping: Idea #309
‘Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are. (H.S.Kushner) ‘The happiest people in the world are generous. People who give are fulfilled. We were created to help one another and to share. When we act out who we are supposed to…
Self-worth: Idea #308
Do you ever think about your self-worth? Do you consider yourself valuable, even important, in work, in life, both personally and professionally? ‘When you know your worth, no one can make you feel worthless.’ (S.Aggarwal) Your worth is NOT determined by what others say. It’s knowing what you can and are contributing to the world…