Category: Simple Idea

  • Help: Idea #290

    Sometimes when I look around and see all the needs in the world it seems overwhelming. I try to remember that ‘We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.’ (R.Reagan) So I’ve decided to help when and where I can, and in some way ‘Do good. The greatest pleasure I know is to do…

  • Trusting: Idea #289

    The flip side to having trust is ‘Trusting – a very powerful leadership principle. The definition of trusting is to show confidence in someone. Three things to think about if you want to be more trusting and show confidence in the people you lead are …1. Give others clarity: Without clarity there is cruelty. Be…

  • Attitude: Idea #288

    When the future is unknown, and circumstances aren’t always so nice, it’s important to remember that ‘Attitude is everything. It is important to have a great attitude about yourself, other people, and life. It isn’t what happens to you, but what happens in you. If you can find the bright side of things in tough…