Category: Simple Idea

  • Curiosity: Idea #242

    There’s the saying that “curiosity killed the cat”, however I think it’s more likely that curiosity changed the cat into a tiger. How curious are you? ‘Replace your judgment with curiosity, and become more open and collaborative. When we avoid judgment and instead gain a sense of curiosity, we can relax, understanding that we all…

  • Balance: Idea #241

    Have you ever considered a career walking on a tightrope, or being a trapeze artist? NOPE! Can’t say I have. However, this profession requires a skill we all need to develop – balance. ‘One of the great balancing acts in life is to be cautious and daring at the same time. Cautious enough to avoid…

  • Feelings: Idea #240

    Generally we tend to ask others “How are you today?”. Recently I had several days where I was feeling rather down, sad, not really liking what life was bringing my way. I felt tired, drained, almost burned out, without energy or enjoyment in what I was doing. Perhaps a better question to ask each other…