Category: Simple Idea
Value: Idea #227
Do you ever feel like “just another cog in the gears” of life? Let me remind you that every person and ‘Every employee has a valuable position to play, and every facet of leadership and management has the responsibility of providing every employee with the means to execute it.’ (B.Jett) ‘Everyone brings value to their…
Relationships #2: Idea #226
Continuing with the ‘7 ways to build strong workplace relationships…4. Be Self Aware…EQ allows us to take responsibility for our actions, and not let our emotions negatively impact those around us…5. Be Collaborative…It shifts the traditional ‘go it alone’ business mentality to ‘working together to achieve a common goal’…6. Ask For Help…It shows that you’re…
Justice: Idea #225
Justice is an interesting word, and means different things to different people. On this World Day for International Justice, here are my thoughts on justice. I believe justice is important, and people that do the wrong thing need to be held accountable for their misdeeds, no matter who they are. However, we need to also…