Category: Simple Idea
Exclusive: Idea #269
Many people‘…are divided as a population. Inclusivity is all about welcoming and including other perspectives, backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, and income levels. When an organization has a more inclusive group of varied perspectives, the organization is better and makes better decisions. It is also important to be exclusive based on values. So, figure out your values…
Thinking: Idea #268
There are many‘…thinking patterns that successful people engage in, that unsuccessful people do not. One of these thinking patterns is Sustained Thinking. Sustained thinking is the ability to take a thought and stay with it longer than people typically do. If you take a fleeting thought, and sit with it for a long while, it…
Goals: Idea #267
Do you dread goals, afraid you won’t be successful? ‘What does it take to accomplish a goal? The bigger the goal, the bigger the commitment needs to be. When striving towards your goals, make sure you understand what resources are needed and if your timeline is realistic. If you commit on a high level, you…