Category: Simple Idea
Confidence: Idea #251
Do you consider yourself a confident person? Why or why not? Maybe we need to take another look at what a good version of confidence looks like. ‘One version of confidence is: I’ve got this figured out. Another version is: I can figure this out. The first is arrogant and close-minded. The second is humble…
Life-skills: Idea #250
‘There are three things in life you need: Fortitude, Tenacity and Guts. Fortitude to stand, no matter what, Tenacity to stick with it, and Guts to deal with whatever is in front of you.’ (C.Chambers-Belida) Having fortitude and guts is knowing that ‘Life is too short to waste. Sometimes bravery is simply choosing to take…
Life-hacks #2: Idea #249
Continuing on with the 5 life hacks: ‘#4: Do “Growth Trips”. (These purpose-driven trips are different from your typical vacations. They are designed to focus on specific areas of improvement or learning.)…#5: Design a Growth Routine. (Having a productive routine can significantly increase your energy levels and overall productivity.) (A.Gupta) I never thought about…