Category: Simple Idea

  • Excellence: Idea #223

    ‘So many of us struggle with perfectionism. It is rooted in fear and can lead to procrastination. Instead of being a perfectionist, focus on excellence—learning in the journey—the process of making something good and then great. Perfectionism is elusive, it is a state that you can never reach. If you choose excellence over perfectionism, you…

  • Brave: Idea #222

    Do you ever find yourself worrying about the future? Scared about what might happen? Do you ever wonder why others appear so unafraid? ‘”Fearless” is a myth. Instead aim to be brave. People who succeed at the highest levels have the same amount of fear as everyone else, but they have learned to be courageous…

  • Skills: Idea #221

    What are you doing each week to grow your skills? ‘My focus for today… A little less luck and a lot more skill! We should never stand by and hope for the best! Take charge and make things happen! Trust in your ability to succeed!’ (J.Hawks) ‘Focus on where you want to go, figure out…