Category: Simple Idea

  • Don’t Wait: Idea #212

    Why do we procrastinate? ‘Waiting is a trap. There will always be reasons to wait. The truth is there are only two things in life, reasons and results, and reasons simply don’t count.’ (R.A.Kreucher) ‘If you want something in your life, go for it now. Believe in yourself, that you can do this.  Don’t wait.…

  • Positive Gratitude: Idea #211

    I enjoy being around positive people, don’t you? ‘The more you feed your mind with the positive thoughts, the more you attract great things into your life.’ (R.Bennett) Seems like being positive brings success, however it’s important that with success we also have gratitude. ‘It’s a funny thing about life, once you begin to take…

  • Career Path: Idea #210

    I am regularly asked about career paths, or career success, or “what do I need to do to progress”, etc. This topic IS important, yet it’s challenging to answer, as it differs for everyone. For myself, my goal has never been to achieve a certain career path or role, I want to be known as…