Category: Simple Idea

  • Time: Idea #196

    Do you value your time enough? ‘Time assets vs. Time debts. Time assets are choices that save you time in the future. Think: saying no to a meeting, automating a task, working on something that persists and compounds. Time debts are choices that must be repaid and cost you time in the future. Think: saying…

  • Stewardship: Idea #195

    Stewardship is not a word I hear that often, so how does it apply to money management (and other things), and in a professional setting? From my experience, many times professionally we need to manage expenses or other financial aspects of our work life. Stewardship has the idea of being a caretaker, looking after something.…

  • Journaling: Idea #194

    Have you ever felt like your life is on autopilot, going faster and faster? I know I have. One idea that might help with slowing things down and helping find meaning is journaling. I haven’t been too successful in this, however it’s worth a try. Whatever you’re going through, ‘putting your thoughts on paper can…