Category: Simple Idea

  • Characteristics #3: Idea #178

    Leaders should work on faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in professional development. Faithfulness demands dependability, following through on promises and being true to our word. Gentleness is gracefulness, characterized by calmness, serenity, and empathy. It’s a sign of strength, not weakness. Self-control is the ability to exhibit moderation, temperance, and discipline. It means prioritizing what’s important…

  • Refreshment: Idea #177

    Do you ever struggle with refreshing yourself? ‘Nature is a wonderful teacher. The lessons I learn from my walks are endless, and I am always grateful for any time I can spend walking through the woods, paddling on a lake, or simply strolling around my neighborhood… When you have a hard day—and we all have…

  • Characteristics #2: Idea #176

    Leaders need to embody patience, kindness, and goodness in their professional development. Patience is maintaining calmness during stress and showing empathy, avoiding annoyance or agitation. Kindness entails being genuinely kind to all, irrespective of differences, assisting and showing benevolence to everyone. Goodness is doing the right thing, being honest, moral, honorable, virtuous, and being full…