Category: Simple Idea

  • Growth: Idea #91

    This is a bit different from all my previous ideas – I guess I’m asking for your help today. I would really like to set up a website where all my ideas are saved and archived so anyone can go back and review, perhaps ideas can be grouped by key focus area, comments can be…

  • Attitude: Idea #90

    Welcome to the New Year, to 2023 with all of its opportunities for growth and development. And of course, the challenges we will encounter – although remember, challenges are the stepping stones to growth and development. With that, a quick thought to start the year: ‘It is important to have a positive life stance—no matter…

  • Generosity: Idea #89

    I want to end the ideas this year with the concept of generosity. ‘By living a generous life, you set aside time and resources to give to others. This practice will not only benefit others, but also benefit you…You need to have an open hand in life in order to give more and accept more…