Category: Simple Idea

  • Steady: Idea #432

    We don’t see the term “steady” used that often in reference to growing and developing. What image does that word evoke in you? What about seeing it as ‘Those who are steady are reliable, consistent, and present. When we are steady about the things that matter, it allows us to build something that is solid,…

  • Expression: Idea #431

    Let’s think about how we express ourselves, and review whether it’s positive or negative. It starts with you, so ‘If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me?’ (M.Angelou) How we talk to ourselves is much more important than we may realize. ‘Every time you express…

  • Value: Idea #430

    I posted about relationships previously, and this is a reminder that ‘Relationships – how we connect with others – are key in our success. Relationships have the power to resolve the negatives in our lives. Are you a plus or a minus? Do you add value to others or take value away? If you want…