Category: Simple Idea
Growing: Growth Idea #612
Let me focus on a concept that’s the reason for these posts. It’s all about growing as a person, and professionally. So how can we recognize when we’re growing? Sometimes it can feel as if we’re just the same as before. One tip is to see whether you’re dealing with challenges at the moment. If…
Success: Leadership Idea #15
As a leader we want to be successful, right? So how do you measure your own success? While it’s true that we don’t want to focus on success as we’ll likely miss it, what areas of our life do need focus to give us the success we want? Here’s one idea: maintain your energy. Right,…
Purpose: Growth Idea #611
Previously I mentioned having a purpose in life. Do you sometimes feel like life is always an uphill struggle, that you’re swimming against the flow of the stream? Sometimes the perseverance is what is needed, however, sometimes we may simply be headed in the wrong direction. When’s the last time you stopped to review the…