Category: Simple Idea

  • Failure: Growth Idea #608

    Oops! I’ve made a mistake. Does an awareness of this make you feel like a failure? Do you feel like pointing out that “it’s not your fault”, it was beyond your control? It’s been said that blaming others shows you still have a long way to go in developing as a person, but when blame…

  • Irrelevant: God Idea #6

    Do you ever feel overlooked? Unrecognized for your contribution? I know I have – but then I’m reminded that God doesn’t look at things the way people do, the way I tend to do. He looks at our hearts, attitudes, and why we do things. It’s probably a good thing I can’t see into hearts…

  • Providence: God Idea #5

    How often do we take time to sit in a quiet spot in nature, and while looking around us, marvel at how well nature is cared for naturally. When I look around at all the birds and their songs, most times I don’t even think about their well-being. Where are they finding their food &…