Category: Simple Idea

  • Appreciate: Idea #398

    What do you appreciate today? Did you know that ‘What we appreciate, appreciates. Things we view as special – things we value and give focus – become more special. If we focus on the positives, the positives will appreciate and compound over time.’ (J.Maxwell) This concept of appreciation extends to people as well. ‘A person…

  • Believe: Idea #397

    Have you ever thought that opportunities are passing you by? ‘Opportunity is always knocking. The problem is that most people have the self-doubt station in their head turned up way too loud to hear it.’ (B.Vaszily) We need to turn down the self-doubt and be confident in what we can do. ‘No one is ready…

  • Hope: Idea #396

    Whenever things seem to be too hard, and it’s tough to keep going, remember that ‘Hope is a gift given to man with divine intent. It ensures our survival in the most trying times. When our souls are defeated and our bodies are broken, hope alone carries us on. We rest there on its back…