Category: Simple Idea

  • Strategy: Idea #565

    What strategy have you been using in your life? Is it the best strategy? How do you know? ‘The strategy required to find a great opportunity (lots of saying yes and exploring widely) is different from the strategy required to make the most of a great opportunity (lots of saying no and remaining focused).’ (J.Clear)…

  • Expansion: Idea #564

    The more you learn and grow, the more you understand you still have so much more to learn. That may sound tiring, but the real joy from growth is not in the destination, but in the journey. This comes in part from understanding ‘the law of expansion. It says that growth always increases your capacity.…

  • Long-term: Idea #563

    True success requires a long-term view of life. Too many times we want instant growth, instant success, and sometimes that’s because we’re confused by what we REALLY want. ‘The chief cause of failure is substituting what you want most for what you want now.’ (Z.Ziglar) It can be hard to deny ourselves the quick win…