Category: Simple Idea
Know: Idea #374
Do you know yourself? Let’s start there with our growth and improvement plans. ‘If you don’t like who you are and where you are, don’t worry about it because you’re not stuck either with who you are or where you are. You can grow. You can change. You can be more than you are.’ (Z.Ziglar)…
Unseen: Idea #373
Do you feel as insecure as I do at times? When I look around at the success of others, sometimes it’s easy to feel like a failure. ‘The reason why we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.’ (S.Furtick) That’s the problem, I can see all…
Rest: Idea #372
Have you ever considered resting as non-productive? ‘Rest is important for leadership. Often, we rest from work rather than work from rest. We do our best work when we are working from rest. Resting from work leads to burn out. Working from rest leads to inspiration and a sense of anticipation and encouragement. We first…