Category: Simple Idea

  • Unselfish: Idea #362

    Why is it so hard to be unselfish? Maybe not for you, but it is for me. ‘To be unselfish means to think of ourselves less. It does not mean thinking less of ourselves or being self-deprecating. When you begin living unselfishly, it can be emotionally overwhelming, but as Andy Stanley says, “Do for one…

  • Honest: Idea #361

    A question I know I need to keep asking myself regularly is: Am I an honest person? ‘We all want to have honest relationships and be around people who are honest. Honest people are truthful, what they say is reflected in what they do. They have a sense of character and authenticity. Everyone has good…

  • Compassionate: Idea #360

    This week I’ll be focusing on John Maxwell quotes, so sit back and enjoy. ‘Do you beat yourself up? Instead, treat yourself as kindly as you would treat a good friend if they were dealing with the same challenge or mistake. When we are compassionate towards ourselves, it lowers our stress levels, helps us persevere,…