Category: Simple Idea

  • Fear: Idea #315

    Are you afraid of new things? Changes to how you’ve always done things? ‘Once you face your fear, nothing is ever as hard as you think.’ (O.Newton-John) Personal example: I really don’t like height, and so what do I do? I do a bungee jump, a sky-dive – mainly to show to myself that my…

  • Direction: Idea #314

    In what direction are you pointing your life? ‘The great thing in this world is not so much where you stand, as in what direction you are moving.’ (O.W.Holmes) Sometimes the direction we need to move in is not so clear, however ‘The wisest route to a successful solution to nearly any problem begins with…

  • Vulnerable: Idea #313

    Have you ever been hurt emotionally? I know I have, and that makes me want to protect myself. However, if we wall ourselves off, we forfeit the ability to learn and grow, and we become a shell of who we could be. ‘Vulnerable people are authentic, real, genuine, and Honest. When we become vulnerable we…