Category: Simple Idea

  • Self-awareness: Idea #355

    Sometimes we may wonder “What do I need to work on to grow”? I have found that I need to set aside time to reflect and think about who I am. ‘Self-awareness is knowing your strengths and your weaknesses. It’s knowing what energizes you and what drains you. It’s knowing how you lead when you’re…

  • Cycles: Idea #354

    How can you stay optimistic while going through challenging days? One idea that helps is to realize that life goes in cycles. ‘There’s an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth…A right time to destroy and another to construct…A right time to hold on and another to let go…A…

  • Reliable: Idea #353

    Sometimes we think in order to be successful we have to be a top performer. Really? ‘Forget about peak performance. Would your results improve if you simply focused on being reliable in the normal moments? Show up when it’s easy to skip. Do the fundamentals and do them well. And so on. Before you make…