• Uncertainty: Idea #37

    How do you manage uncertainty? ‘Uncertainty is unavoidable…(and getting through) uncertainty is about Mindset. Here are six tips…1. Embrace the discomfort of not knowing. Move from a know-it-all to a learn-it-all mindset…2. Distinguish between “complicated” and “complex” issues. They require different solutions…3. Let go of perfectionism. Instead, aim for progress…4. Resist the urge to oversimplify and come to quick conclusions…5. Don’t go it alone. Connect with your peers…6. Zoom out. Take a broad, systemic view of the issues.’ (HBR) Most of us don’t enjoy uncertainty, however it’s a part of life and learning how to manage it will allow you to be successful when you find yourself in this situation. Be brave today!

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  • Progress: Idea #36

    Another idea around having meaningful work is work that is progressing, that shows progress, and where you can see yourself progressing. Most of us get bored when we keep on doing the same old thing day after day – no visible progress. A couple of ideas on progress and how to view it: stop comparing today to yesterday, or even this week to last week. The incremental progress “may” be too small to easily see. Instead, look at this year vs. last year – can you see the progress (in yourself, in how you work, in the quality of your work, in the span of your responsibility, etc)? Are you more involved, are you adding more value? Are you making progress?

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  • Optimize: Idea #35

    Automation seems to be a great buzzword these days, and anyone that knows me knows I’m a fan of true automation – because it delivers both speed and quality. However, how often do we automate BEFORE we optimize? Which means we automate an inferior process, much more liable to break. So, as you look for areas of process improvement daily, both in yourself and in your work, think about how well the process works, should you try to optimize before you automate? Optimizing doesn’t have to be hard, or take long, or require lots of time or money investment. It can be simple changes that “just work more smoothly and efficiently”. Then you can automate the steps to allow you to focus on more creative and value-added work. What will you optimize today?

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience!

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