• Overwhelmed: Idea #96

    As the new year kicks in, how are you feeling? ‘Feeling Overwhelmed? Avoid These Five Mistakes…1.You think you don’t have time for actions that might help you…2.You don’t use your unconscious mind enough…3.You interpret feeling overwhelmed as a weakness…4.You default to your traditional approaches and defenses…5.You withdraw from your support system.’ It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the things that seem to be happening at once. Pause your activities, reflect, and consider these 5 mistakes – are they contributing to your negative feelings? (for the full article: https://hbr.org/2021/04/5-mistakes-we-make-when-were-overwhelmed)

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience! If you have a story to share with me you can contact me on: My Feedback Email

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  • Viewpoint: Idea #95

    ‘People all have a good side and a bad side—a side with ideals and dreams, and a human side. When you look at people, what you look for is what you’ll see, and what you see is how you’ll treat people. If you see the best in others, you’ll bring out the best in others, and you’ll receive the best from others.’ (J.Maxwell) Can we all resolve this year, in 2023, to always look to the good in others, and expect the best from those we interact with – as doing so will make your life (and those around you) much smoother and enjoyable. Who can you look at differently today?

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience! If you have a story to share with me you can contact me on: My Feedback Email

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  • Action: Idea #94

    Have you ever caught yourself saying: “I’m not sure what to decide, I need a little more information.” Sometimes the bigger question is: ‘Do I need to spend more time searching for better information or do I need to spend more time acting on the information I already have? Is the bottleneck strategy or execution?’ (J.Clear) The issue is that when an obvious decision or action is uncomfortable or somewhat unknown, we want to avoid it, so we keep “looking for more information”, hoping to find something that will allow us to not do what we know needs to be done. This reaction keeps us from experiencing the growth we need. What action will you stop postponing and do today?

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience! If you have a story to share with me you can contact me on: My Feedback Email

    To receive this in your email every week-day, subscribe below.

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