• Attitude: Idea #90

    Welcome to the New Year, to 2023 with all of its opportunities for growth and development. And of course, the challenges we will encounter – although remember, challenges are the stepping stones to growth and development. With that, a quick thought to start the year: ‘It is important to have a positive life stance—no matter who you are, good and bad things will happen in your life. If you have a positive attitude, the bad things won’t be as bad, and the good things will be even better. Attitude isn’t everything, but it is the main thing.’ (J.Maxwell) I’ll leave it at that, and end with a Happy New Year wish! Thanks for joining me again this year.

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience! If you have a story to share with me you can contact me on: My Feedback Email

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  • Generosity: Idea #89

    I want to end the ideas this year with the concept of generosity. ‘By living a generous life, you set aside time and resources to give to others. This practice will not only benefit others, but also benefit you…You need to have an open hand in life in order to give more and accept more in life, giving what you have where it is needed most.’ (J.Maxwell) As I think about applying this concept to my own life and personal development, I know for a fact that the more I give to others in helping them grow and develop, the more I grow and develop. Your challenge for 2023 is to think about how you can give in a way that helps you continue to grow and develop. Thanks to all of you for learning with me this year!

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience! If you have a story to share with me you can contact me on: My Feedback Email

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  • Rest: Idea #88

    Are you ready for some time off over the Christmas, New Year, and “end of year” period? Are you ready for some celebration, rest, relaxation, and refreshment? Well, here’s a new idea to help you have a better time off: ‘It may seem counterintuitive, but research has shown that people who set personal goals to achieve during their downtime – such as seeing friends, pursuing a hobby, or even organizing a closet – report being happier than those who prioritize more passive “rest and relaxation”.’ (HBR) Apparently having loose goals for yourself during a break actually helps you reset from your work-oriented goals. ‘One caveat: This doesn’t mean you should treat these goals like a to-do list. Stay flexible – this is your time off, after all!’ (HBR) So here’s a toast to a better “time off” for all of you!

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience! If you have a story to share with me you can contact me on: My Feedback Email

    To receive this in your email every week-day, subscribe below.

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