• Productivity: Idea #57

    How would you like to have more time to get things done? Here are 4 ideas on boosting your productivity: ‘1.Plan your work around your internal clock….2.Plan out tomorrow’s schedule tonight….3.Develop rituals for different kinds of work….4.Avoid being 100% booked.’ (HBR) How have I applied this? I try to schedule challenging work at times when I’m least likely to be disturbed, and I ensure I schedule time in my calendar for important things like lunch, catching up on emails, and preparing for meetings. Activities I do regularly I try to book at the same time each week. All this helps me not feel overwhelmed.

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience! If you have a story to share with me you can contact me on: My Feedback Email

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  • Procrastination: Idea #56

    ‘Is there something you’ve been holding off on, but know you need to do? The more you wait, the longer it will take to happen.’ (J.Maxwell) We’re looking at procrastination here, and it can affect all of us at times. One of the things I do to help me eliminate procrastination is to schedule time for the task, and in doing so set aside sufficient time so I don’t feel pressured or rushed. Having it in my schedule means I don’t worry about it, however I also can’t forget about it. Working on that annoying task first thing in your day is another way to avoid procrastination. What have you been putting off? It won’t go away on its own, and it won’t get any easier either. Go do it now – then you can relax.

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience! If you have a story to share with me you can contact me on: My Feedback Email

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  • Influence: Idea #55

    I recently attended a workshop focused on having more impact and influence – especially for leaders. One area of leadership I recognized as an area of growth for me is the tendency to jump in too quickly to solve problems for my team members (or it could be your teammates). If I never allow my team to work on solving their own challenges they’ll never learn or grow in that area of life, and I’ll be keeping them from becoming the person or leader they have the potential to become. I learned I need to follow the “day old donuts” rule – wait at least a day before helping solve their problem – just like how day old donuts sometimes taste even better than fresh. 🙂 So my challenge for you is to practice the “day old donut” approach with others.

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience! If you have a story to share with me you can contact me on: My Feedback Email

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