• Positive Action: Idea #69

    The third tool to help you change your thinking is the ‘Reframe Principle: Reframe your mind, restore your perspective….You cannot control what happens to you, however you can control how you frame it.’ (C.Groeschel) This tool is sort of like the mantra of “you can’t control what happens to you, however you can control how you respond.” When you catch yourself thinking wrongly about yourself, try looking at the issue from another angle – see what positive you can find in the situation. Whenever I’ve had a negative experience happen, I’ve tried to discover the potential positive action I could take from that, and that positive action or word is what I speak to myself.

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  • Root Cause: Idea #68

    How many times have you made a New Year’s resolution, only to have it last for less than a week? Have you ever wondered why that is? Perhaps it’s because the change was only a behavioral change, and didn’t address the root cause of the problem. I know I tell my teams quite often, “Please find out what was the root cause of the issue so we can fix it permanently.” If we only focus on the symptom, we’ll never have a long-term change. The only long-lasting solution is to uncover the root cause and then we can begin working on the change, the self-development, we want to see in ourselves. Finding that root cause is what will help you think in a new way. Where are you going to dig today?

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  • Rewire: Idea #67

    The second tool that helps you change how you think is the ‘Rewire Principle: Rewire your brain, renew your mind.’ (C.Groeschel) When your brain is triggered to make you feel a certain way, to react in a certain way, you need to create a new belief that you can lean on to rewire your thinking. Perhaps you need to write down that new belief, that new way of thinking, and refer to it whenever that old trigger occurs, to gradually rewire your brain to think correctly. Have this new thinking pattern easily and frequently visible so you can find it easier to think in the new way. What neural pathway are you going to rewire today?

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience! If you have a story to share with me you can contact me on: My Feedback Email

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