• Mistakes: Idea #63

    What is easier to remember – the mistakes you made, or the successes you’ve had? We’d like to think it’s the good things, however I believe the reality is that our mistakes or failures are what occupy much of our memory. What we need to do is build monuments (not talking about physical ones) that help us remember our achievements. This can be a post-it note that records a specific success, or a certificate showing what we’ve learned and applied. What great success or achievement do you need to remember when the going gets tough?

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  • Self-talk 2: Idea #62

    What do you say to yourself, either out loud or in your head? Are your words negative (I can’t do that job, I’m not a good parent, I always make mistakes, Other people are always better than I am), or are they positive (I can do this, A mistake does not define me, I always support my teammates, I am good at “___”)? What we say about ourselves tends to come true, so are we being careful about what we say when we talk to ourselves? Perhaps we need a reminder note taped to our monitor or bathroom mirror to remind us to say the positive words. What positive words will you say today?

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience! If you have a story to share with me you can contact me on: My Feedback Email

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  • Self-talk 1: Idea #61

    A long time ago I read a book called “What to Say When You Talk to Yourself” by Shad Helmstetter. As I was thinking about personal development, I realized this topic combined with what we think about (ie. “You are what you think”) is very powerful in determining our future. With that in mind, I plan to write a small series of posts exploring this topic (Talk & Think), as I believe having a good understanding of the impact of our self-talk and inner thoughts will allow each of us to be more successful in our personal and professional self-development. Your challenge is to be aware of what you say to yourself and what you think about.

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience! If you have a story to share with me you can contact me on: My Feedback Email

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