• Valuable: Idea #23

    Have you ever wondered if the work you do is better/worse or as important as the work someone else does? Here’s your answer – YOUR work is just as important as anyone else’s work, as long as you are committed to doing your best to serve your client – and your client is whoever gets the output from your efforts. You have the skills and abilities to do what you do, and without your contribution the overall well-being of your team (or office, or business, or family) is less well off and suffers. So don’t worry about how flashy your work is, be more concerned with how satisfied you are with your own efforts.

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  • Disagreements: Idea #22

    According to the ‘5 Dysfunctions of a Team’ book by P. Lencioni, Fear of Conflict, or healthy disagreements, is a dysfunction that can cripple a team. So how can you have productive disagreement, or those “hard conversations” as I call them? Here are several tips: Remember that you’re not on opposing teams, you’re trying to work together. Second, stay far away from emotional statements or assumptions. Third, believe everyone has good intentions so avoid personal attacks. Finally, be aware that you need to listen first, and learn, before presenting your ideas or thoughts.

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience! If you have a story to share with me you can contact me on: My Feedback Email

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  • Listen: Idea #21

    Another lesson from Legos. Have you ever had the experience of stepping on a Lego piece with your bare feet? Ouch! It didn’t feel good, and possibly made us say a few things we don’t normally say. Lego pieces are so small, yet they have the capacity to hurt a much larger body. With that in mind, think about how your words, although seemingly small, have the capacity to seriously hurt someone else if we’re not careful with how we use them, how we let them out. It’s said we have two ears and one mouth so we learn to listen twice as much as we speak. I’m working on listening.

    Thanks for joining me on my daily learning experience! If you have a story to share with me you can contact me on: My Feedback Email

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