Why Have a Simple Ideas Blog?

Hi, my name is Harley, and one day after attending a Masterclass by James Clear on his book Atomic Habits I was wondering “how can I help my teams learn what I’ve just learned”? Well, since I had just learned that it’s important to learn and practice a new habit “just a little” every day, I decided to start sharing some of my thoughts on what I was learning. This has now picked up beyond just my team, which is gratifying and encouraging. My only goal with this blog is to encourage others to grow and develop just a little every single day, so that each year – at the end – you’ll have grown and developed more than you realize. My suggestion is to always reflect on where you were at on your life journey one year ago, and see how much you’ve developed. You’ll be surprised. Thanks so much for joining me on my journey as we grow and develop both personally and professionally.