• Bold: Idea #420

    Are you a bold person, or does the idea scare you? ‘People who are bold, step out and speak up exuding confidence. We admire a person who is bold and willing to back up what they stand for. Boldness comes out of convictions that we hold dear to our hearts. Step out and be bold about something today. This is your day!’ (J.Maxwell) A part of growing, developing, and becoming a great leader is the ability to have confidence in what we say, and speak boldly for what we believe is the best and right thing to do. Join me today in becoming just that little bit bolder.

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  • Future: Idea #419

    Needing to make a change in our life plans is tough, and changing career plans can be just as difficult. What we need to do is ‘Find the magic. We must be willing to get rid of the life we planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come.’ (J.Campbell) Looking for the silver lining in the change is the magic that helps us move on. ‘You have to change your thinking if you desire to have a future different from your present.’ (G.Kent) And even though we may be comfortable in our present, the future has many more golden opportunities if we’re willing to change.

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  • Endure: Idea #418

    If the challenges of life ever feel like they’re just too hard, ‘Embrace the concept of endurance. Don’t quit. Stay with it. Commit to enduring, even when the glitz and glamor fades. People who endure – in their organizations, marriages, families, and friendships – are on the road to greatness. Endurance is the key – let’s endure today.’ (J.Maxwell) I know, when you’re in the middle of difficult situations it’s hard to see the greatness in it. But let’s persevere, and endure, and the outcome will not only be growth, it will also bring greatness.

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