A Few Recent Simple Ideas
No: Growth Idea #584
Many times we hear that we need to practice saying “Yes” to requests or ideas instead of “No”. However, we also need to learn to say No to bad ideas and requests so we have time and capacity for the best things. That can be hard. ‘If you’d like to…
Intentionality: Growth Idea #583
Do you know what’s easy about life? It’s just going with the flow, not making any waves in life. That approach, however, doesn’t yield the development results we want. ‘Intentional living is about making conscious choices that align with your values and goals. Intentionality is the difference between drifting through…
Dreams: Growth Idea #582
Let’s continue thinking about dreams. This is not about fairy tale ideas. This is about ideas that we grab, and build, and make it possible. ‘Dreams are never destroyed by circumstances. They are born in the heart and the mind and only there can they ever die. For while the…