Tag: action
Delay: Idea #426
If you’re anything like me, for all those hard actions I need to take for development, it’s so easy to delay until “tomorrow”. ‘Procrastinators like to put things off and delay their decisions, but there is no success without action. The only time you have is now. We overestimate what we can do tomorrow, and…
Proactive: Idea #348
Are you more likely to “wait and see” or someone that “takes action now”? ‘When we are reactive the results are less likely to be positive, uplifting, or productive … But when we are proactive, we control our own life, making our own decisions, instead of allowing someone else (or an outside influence) to have…
Greatness: Idea #345
Have you ever entertained the idea that only others are destined for greatness? Let’s change our thinking. ‘Greatness lies within all of us. It is up to us to summon the courage to bring this special gift out of us on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. Greatness, you have it, you can use it, the…