Tag: best

  • Excellence: Growth Idea #607

    One characteristic I’ve observed in myself over the years is the desire to be the best, or at least be excellent in all I do. Having a focus on excellence will help you exceed expectations that others have of you, and you will gain confidence in your abilities to succeed in the tasks you set…

  • Passion: Idea #530

    Are you looking for an advantage over your competition? ‘If you can do what you do best and be happy, you are further along in life than most people.’ (L.DiCaprio) So what I see as the advantage is being happy, and who wouldn’t want that? And if we do our best with what we enjoy,…

  • Best: Idea #502

    I find it all too easy to slack off when no one is watching (I’m sure you are better). ‘We need persistence when we are training, not when we are already trained. We need it not when everyone is watching, but when no one is watching. Anyone can do their best when everyone is watching,…