Cost: Idea #445
Personal development is not free. ‘There is a price we must pay to be better. When we stop growing, or developing ourselves, it is often due to the cost. When we fail to pay the price of growth, we automatically stop our potential. All great people pay the price for growth with their time, energy,…
Re-engage: Idea #407
‘People pay for quality and excellence. As leaders we should always be about exceeding expectations. Today, where are you delivering a lower quality than you can be proud of? Stop it, change it, and re-engage with it at a level where the quality attracts you more than it attracts others – when you know deep…
Approach: Idea #376
For some of us, we may be navigating difficult changes or an uncertain future. Realize that ‘Sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together.’ (J.Howell) Perhaps the change you’re going through will lead to something even better. What’s important is how you approach this change. ‘Being negative only makes a difficult journey…